Thursday, June 14, 2007

To Go...

I've decided that I do want to move away within the next 2 years. I don't know how soon it can happen, but I'd like it to and may try to make moves in order for it to happen. I did get a serious job offer in Chicago about 3 weeks ago. It wasn’t enough money to live in Chicago, and I ain’t feeling living there. I've got really great friends here, ya'll know that. But I feel it's time for a change. Being on my own has made me realize I couldn't do things without friends, but also challenges me to make new ones and start something new.

I'm sure I'll face the drama I've always encountered. You know the usual, stuck up/clique-ish people, conceited/bigheaded dudes, pretenders, haters, people who love ya one minute and then cut you off the next, I could go on for days. I guess I’m saying we find those people everywhere, what difference is it going to make if I leave the C-O. Maybe that’s the adventure of it? Just go and pray I’ll be content?

Things that keep pulling “me back-me back” – right now: my grandparents, don’t want to be too far from them. G-pa was in the hospital last week and it did a number on me boy… My friends here now, let me tell you, quality. Ever since moving to Worthington Cong. I’ve got closer to some and gained some very tight people in my crew. But it’s known that you find out who your true friends are when you move far away. Am I ready to face that reality?

Loreal* & Meg told me last weekend I was like Carrie from Sex in the City – you know w/o the sex and kinky mess. I know this city, probably a little too well. I mean, so do I apply to NetJets again and see if I get hired and see that takes care of my need to fly away?!

One day at a time right? Yeah, got an event next week and the LaTiNo Fest is this weekend!

*(I’ll have to give ya’ll an introduction to Loreal, or Miz Suga Lola as I’ve named her!)

Throwback ringer I downloaded today: Monica’s Knock, Knock…soooooo SicK!!!



Anonymous said...

Here's just my 2 cents from experience....

Moving to Florida was great for me. It forced me to really make the truth my own. I didn't know anyone and had nobody to push me. Also I made a ton of great new friends and found my wife that way. We just moved to Tennessee about 2 months ago and we didn't know anyone here either. Since then we've made a ton of friends (thats whats great about the organization) and we're getting used a lot on the cong. Also we have friends in multiple places now which is great (just cause we're not living there doesn't mean we've lost them).

Basically it comes down to whats best for you. We both miss our family to at times but you have to think about yourself and they'll understand. Thats what planes and cars are for. Even though you might be hours away that doesn't mean you've lost them.

For more inspiration visit ;)

Anonymous said...

latino fest...yippee! if u move im visiting....thats for real....